
Bingleland rules,notes and technical jargon page...

This site was developed and designed for the enjoyment of friends, fans and collectors of Mr. Bingle the charactor and doll so that we have a place to visit about him all year long. Although this is not the official Mr. Bingle site which is owned by Dillards Corporation, it is my hope that you will find this site a warm and inviting place that will bring back many fond memories! Dillards Corporation owns the trademarks and copyrights of Mr. Bingle and is used for their advertising purposes. They have a wonderful site up at Christmas time with many great things to do and read about. I fully support their site and encourage all of you to visit it. Let me say this ,so there is no misunderstandings or confusion.

We are in no way affiliated, connected, endorsed or paid by Dillards. This is the unofficial web site and we do not sell anything. This is a fan page for fans and collectors and visitors.

This is a family friendly site. Please keep that in mind. Children love Mr. Bingle also and are good readers. Please be considerate and respectful of others opinions and beliefs. I have created a BIG kids section(grownups) and a lil’ kids section. Although this is a family friendly site some converstaion may be difficult for children to understand or just down right boring. :) As owner of this site I have the right to remove anything I consider offensive or inappropriate in messages. Most of the photos are my own personal collection of photos or have been used with permission or courtesy of others and will be marked as such. I am not going to invest tons in getting copyrights for all my photos so I just request that you please ask permission before using my photos in any way. Some other materials/photos/articles have been used with permission and special courtesy for use here and I ask that you respect that also. Some things are in the public domain. If anyone has any problem with anything on my site please write to me right away. With all of that said I hope you find your visit enjoyable and fun. Thank You for your consideration. Lauren Brown ,Owner


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